una palabra sola: the podcast
Una Palabra Sola Episode 23, dejar
Accept your invitation to truly be present, and enjoy the space between moments and tasks on your to-do list.
Una Palabra Sola Episode 22, el arreglo
Find your little fixes to live in the present moment… and see your language skills soar.
Una Palabra Sola Episode 21, la carcajada
Join me in the one of the greatest (free!) stress-relievers there are…. bring the context and the chuckles!
Una Palabra Sola Episode 20, volver
Life is cyclical yet never static, never boring. We’re changing and shifting… use this verb to talk about how you choose to evolve.
Una Palabra Sola Episode 19, respirar
As the only job to do as humans, “respirar” is important in life, in language, and in health.
Una Palabra Sola Episode 18, no
“No” isn’t just a full sentence or a Shakira song – it's a multi-faceted adverb in Spanish.
Una Palabra Sola Episode 17, suavemente
Life isn’t known for being smooth… but the present moment is. Use the power of the present to make your Spanish skills * más suave *
Una Palabra Sola Episode 16, la elección
It all comes down to choices… how are you choosing to show up in the world? Kick inertia in the teeth with these three check-in questions.
Una Palabra Sola Episode 15, bastante
This episode talks about the lost art of “enough”. How much is enough? What’s “good enough” look and feel like for you — and who determines that? Grab a pen, a journal, or a pillow to scream into and vamos!
Una Palabra Sola Episode 14, merecer
The ego is necessary in language-learning and beyond - egos are driven usually by values. Values come from what we think we deserve - or merecer.
Una Palabra Sola Episode 13, intención
La intención is all about doing or being one step closer to your ideal self or to your ideal life - it’s the intention that runs the motor that leads you on the path you’ve always wanted to be on.
Una Palabra Sola Episode 12, descubrir
Doing the uncovering or discovery work can be tiring, but oh so worth it - as you find out more about yourself, your identity has a true chance to flourish.
Una Palabra Sola Episode 11, florecer
We can be rigid in thinking of flourishing or flowering as only happening at certain times, in certain situations - but it happens more often than what we realize…
Una Palabra Sola Episode 10, respeto
Nuestra pesadilla: our nightmare = “Please talk to me in the formal usted”
Una Palabra Sola Episode 9, capaz
When was the last time you felt, “Oh yeah. I’ve got this.” When you felt capable? (Turns out, we have a lot of feelings about this… check out the full episode to learn more).
Una Palabra Sola Episode 8, crecer
Ah, yes… that uncomfortable feeling, like trying to sit up straight when you’ve slouched your whole life — that’s the feeling of growth.
Una Palabra Sola Episode 7, al principio
What better way to start the new year than at *the beginning* - or, al principio? It’s fitting that I’m currently writing this in the Spring, a few months past the actual launch date, because for me: todo lo bueno empieza cada primavera. As nature thaws, so do my motivation and goals!
Una Palabra Sola Episode 6, el polvo
El polvo - or dust- can be a powerful thing. It sets the stage in movies and literature like nobody’s business, and for all those chefs out there - very útil en la cocina. Listen to the full episode and think of how you might be collecting dust in your memories, around your experiences— and what you’d like to do about it.
Una Palabra Sola Episode 5, ya
“¡Basta ya!” is not only super-fun to say, but it’s also important to know when to communicate that enough is enough, as it translates to “enough already!”.
Join me and my very special guest, Jennifer Jane Young as we talk about the concepts and language around already - o, ya.
Una Palabra Sola Episode 4, el éxito
Success is a funny concept… it’s treated as an objective, collective striving for something but la realidad es que it’s quite subjective. It can be as simple or as complex of a feeling or ideal as you’d like. And success in language? Oof…